We have all been parked up an event when a shout rings across the showgrounds, "LOOSE HORSE!". The shout's followed by thundering hooves, an equine flash and a frantic handler running behind. In a show or clinic situation, the escapee is often easily caught and reunited with their owner, but what if you're in an emergency situation or far from help?
The 2019 Victorian bush-fires and more recent flooding in NSW, have driven home the devastation of not just property loss, but losing track of your beloved equine buddy. We've all seen the posts of people desperately trying to find horses swept away by floodwaters, or let loose to escape oncoming fires.
It was in this environment that the ManeStay and ICE Ultralite Emergency ID tags were created. These eye-catching ID tags, made from sturdy, heat-resistant materials are designed for both long and short-term use in a variety of situations.
The ManeStay is a quick clip-and-go ID tag that goes in your horse's mane. Made from flame-resistant materials, it takes 3 seconds to attach and is secure, waterproof and can withstand temperatures up to 217C.
The ICE Ultralite tag with carabiner clip is a more permanent form of identification tag. You can be put on in advance, braided into a mane for the fire season, or prior to evacuation if you are at risk of floods.
These ID tags aren't only for emergency situations; you can attach them to your horse while trail riding or out bush, in case of unplanned dismounts, or even clip it onto a halter for those Hoodini-like yard escapes at competitions.
Horses with visible ID tags are more likely to be reunited with their owners than those with less obvious IDs such as microchips, tattoos and brands, which can be a) harder to find and b) require additional tools to read.
Having your important contact information attached and visible on your horse makes it easier and more likely you will be reunited with your bestie if heaven forbid, the unthinkable happens.
Whether for emergency situations, out bush, at a clinic or at the showgrounds, the ManeStay and ICE ID tags can make sure your bestie finds their way home.